Do You Remember?

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The History of Being Online

Do you remember a time where you had to plug your modem into the landline? … and you got that awful dial up tone?

If you needed to make a Phone Call you had to sign out.

When Monitors were as big as Houses! (slight exaggeration)

Or… Even when Monitors were just black and green screens?!?!?

When AOL was a thing – it might still be, I don’t know, but it was like a ‘thing’ thing.

When your computer told you ‘You’ve Got Mail’

Where there was MySpace and No FaceBook

When Chat Rooms were a thing – Do you still use a chat room? Or a Forum? Forums were where you used to go to argue with strangers before Social Media.

Chatting on MSM and having to use BRB when you needed a bathroom break.

Then there was YahooGroups! – I used to Love YahooGroups!

And Angelfire web pages – that never loaded properly and always had strange flashing type face…

Remember when Phones were tied to the wall with a cord and only ever made phone calls?

When Mobile Phones were the size of a brick and had an even larger battery pack!

How Nokia Phones will survive a Nuclear War …


No One really knew how Pagers worked, but only cops in films ever used them …


… and then there was this guy …

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11 thoughts on “Do You Remember?

  1. When we didn’t even have answering machines, the phone on the wall would ring and ring. You had to call back, no caller id. Ah the quiet, no screens, no chirps and beeps when your drying is done or you left the refridge door open. I do miss the days when no one knew where you were, while quietly sitting outside and enjoying nature. Privacy is only a happy memory. No updates and up votes. No viruses, no phish and no hackers. You could make a mistake and it didn’t show up on social media.

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