Day 5

100 Days of Gratitude

Bare with me, this is an odd one. Today I am grateful for Ong Bak. For being so incredibly captivating that I have, for once, sat down an enjoyed a film the whole way through. To actually sit down and relax after getting so much done in one day it has been refreshing and soothing to wind down with an incredible film…

Day 4

Image result for gratitude
100 Days of Gratitude

Today I am really fucking stressed – I’ve gone from melancholy to a horrible panic over what needs to get done (at home). I blame the Dark/New moon – I always feel ‘Out of Sorts’ at this particular Moon Phase.

So Today I am thankful for my lovely work colleague who simply suggested making a list of everything I need to get done and tick one off at a time – to work on one job at a time so I don’t get overwhelmed – and to remember to rest and to remember to eat… So I’m grateful for a significant reduction in my wobbles and a lovely cuppa tea …

Image result for without tea


A double edged word…

To some solitude can mean loneliness or isolation. To others peace and freedom.

I grew up alone an only child, I spent a lot of time in my room playing games I invented, creating stories and living inside my head. Didn’t have that many friends, maybe 5 that didn’t mind hanging around with the class reject. But mostly I would escape into my own world.

I didn’t understand school, I didn’t even like being a child. I was a permanent daydreamer, away with the fairies of to Never Nerverland…

Tonight I’m alone, like every night. I talk to the cats but they appear more interested in cleaning their butts than my random ponderings. I think that’s why I like cats they’re independent and wild yet still crave company and someone to curl up with.

We all have stories to tell, of our day, of our hopes, dreams, ideas or something funny that made you laugh. I hold all these stories inside myself and I wonder, will my legacy be a collection of dusty books, that no one will read, dumped in the litter to make room for clutter. My life legacy in forgotten rotten pages of smudged ink….

Facing The Music…

Accepting my own Questions

… Sooooooooooooo … Yesterday, on my Really Neat Blog Award I decided to make my questions a music round – to pick a favorite track from each decade from the 60’s to 2019. Thinking it would be easy, interesting and a good bit of fun …

I’m not known for my great intelligence and this wasn’t so much a Question Round as a impossibility – To choose just one track from a whole decade – What was I thinking?!?!

Anyway, I thought I would have a go myself – Though I am pretty sure – without question or hesitation that if I were to make the same list next week (without referring back to my choices from today) they would be vastly different… Even trying to do a Top Ten from each decade wouldn’t be able to squeeze in as much music as I love – However – any excuse for a Video Juke Box, so here we go!

I’m in a loud mood today – So this is your volume warning…

Image result for play it loud gif


The Doors – People are Strange 1967


Alice Cooper – Welcome to my Nightmare 1975


Twisted Sister – We’re Not Gonna take it 1984


Paradise Lost – Embers Fire 1993


Panzer AG – Battlefield 2004


Combichrist – Throat Full of Glass 2010


Rammstein – Was Ich Liebe 2019
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Real Neat Blog Award

Real Neat Blog Award In Blue and Gold

This is my First Real Neat Blog Award, and I’m utterly stunned, as I don’t consider myself neat – I consider my Blog to be utter Chaos and an abuse of YouTube as well as a vast collection of my own Brain Vomit …

However, that said I was deeply honored and thrilled at being nominated by the very beautiful Mel at Decor Craft Design who really does have a very neat Blog indeed! Many Thanks for the very kind Award …

The rules of this award are:

  • Put the award logo on your blog.
  • Answer the 7 questions asked by the person who nominated you.
  • Thank the person who nominated you and add a link to their blog.
  • Nominate any number of people linking to their blogs and let them know you nominated them by commenting on their blogs.
  • Come up with 7 questions for the people you nominated.

My seven answers to the seven questions are:

  1. What is your definition of “neat”? – The opposite of me!
  2. Dogs or cats? – Cats! I’m a Self Confessed Crazy Cat Mama!
  3. Less or more? – Less – I’m trying to declutter… (trying)
  4. Loud or calm? – Either!
  5. On stage or backstage? – Backstage – You definitely wouldn’t get me in front of an audience!
  6. Truth or dare? – Truth.
  7. Sour or bitter? – Sour.

My seven Questions are:

A Music Round for this Award me thinks!

  1. Favorite 60’s Track
  2. Favorite 70’s Track
  3. Favorite 80’s Track
  4. Favorite 90’s Track
  5. Favorite 00’s Track
  6. Favorite Track of this Decade (so far)
  7. Favorite Track of this Year

My nominees are:

  1. Anyone – Because Y’all so much neater than I am!

If you want to consider yourself Nominated and have fun with the Music Round Questions – Abuse YouTube and put together a Video JukeBox post … Please let me know in the comments that you’re playing along as I love music and I would love to see your music choices throughout the decades!

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Would You Rather (Part 2)

Sent to me by Anonymole in the comments – I couldn’t resist these incredible ‘Would You Rather’ Questions … Originally posted here: – Many Thanks for sharing with me x

Would you rather:

  1. Have your vision expanded to see in infrared or ultraviolet?
  2. At any time, once a day, be able to levitate one foot high and float at will for one hour, or fly as high as you like for one minute?
  3. For one day of the year, be given Harry Potter magic or Cassandra prophetic vision?
  4. Be President of the 2000’s United States for a year, or King/Queen of 1600’s England for a year?
  5. Die in poor health at 150 or die in perfect health of the most tumultuous orgasm any human has ever had at age 50?
  6. Play poker with Albert Einstein or Richard Feynman?
  7. Wake up in a pool of blood surrounded by dead baby goats, or dead baby deer.
  8. Have lunch with Judy Garland or Audrey Hepburn?
  9. Lose an arm-wrestling match with Arnold Schwarzenegger or The Hulk?
  10. Fall asleep reading about the zombie apocalypse or watching The Simpsons?
  11. Be 10% happier or live 10% longer?


  1. Infrared, I think would be most useful.
  2. Levitation, because I would possibly get too high in one minuet and come crashing down in a disgraceful heap.
  3. Prophesy, because I am curious by nature.
  4. King in the 1600’s – Because – Off with their heads!
  5. Old Age – in poor health but of the most tumultuous orgasm any human has ever had (a comfortable compromise).
  6. I can’t play Poker, but I would choose Feynman.
  7. Dead Baby Deer – but I’d like a back story on this situation?!?
  8. Audrey Hepburn – Girl Crush!
  9. Arnold – Childhood Hero (from Conan) would so love to meet him! – even if he’d break my arm…
  10. I possibly have actually fell asleep reading about the Zombie Apocalypse … true story …
  11. Either – tricky choice …
Image result for arnold Conan Gif
Arm Appreciation Gif

Would You Rather?

If you are playing along – let me know in the comments, I’d be interested in your answers …

I can choose without almost any hesitation to all but one: there’s no sky diving nor bungee jumping for me! No way!
  1. Neither – Have no knowledge of my Family Tree and I do not have Children, so definitely no Great Grandchildren going to exist!
  2. More Time.
  3. Pause Button.
  4. Languages.
  5. Neither – Aint getting Married and I have left my body to science, so, No Funeral.
  6. Ski Lift.
  7. Either – I’m very happy to dine out or go to a Gig by myself and frequently do so.
  8. Peace & the Hunger would diminish because I would like to think that with Peace we would finally share our resources …
  9. Sky Diving – As I have already done Two Bungee Jumps!
  10. Adult.
  11. Friends… But I would prefer to go alone.
  12. Salad.
  13. Neither – I am perfectly content where I am and I have never learned to drive.