
Eighty Six days into 2018 – Christmas and New Year, feel like a distant memory. Any resolutions are hazy and a little hit/miss throughout recent weeks. I long for the sunshine and heat to return to the UK. I’m exhausted with the cold and rain, yet rain is forecast to haunt our Easter hols… I so want to get some work done outside, but I’m restrained by the weather – by money and lack of motivation.

The time shift over the weekend has had zero effect upon my life and although I’m still a little phased out by travelling recently, I’m starting to see the sun beyond the gloom and trying to get my mind focused on self improvement.

Easier said than done – however – now I can put a few issues behind me now – perhaps I can re-start my New Years Resolutions with more enthusiasm. Without limping along – my mind and my time scattered in a disorganised chaos.  Perhaps?

See… The thing is this – I know what I need to do – How to do what I need to do (and most importantly) I know I can do it … I have no excuse, no reason for inactivity. Now that I can put all drama in the recent past, I hope I can pull some motivation free from being trapped under a ton of stress related procrastination.

At least that is the idea – it’s a constant idea – I’m repeating myself again…

… But perhaps if I just continue to repeat myself – it will finally sink into my thick skull and I’ll find the strength within myself to be true to myself…

At least the Blog has been a consistent companion, even if my themes have been a little all over the place of late – travelling and long days have stolen focus to have a running theme and I’ve been having to grasp time when I can to write. So sometimes you just get the current nonsense on my mind and my haphazard thoughts… I would ‘try’ to keep to a running theme… But that’s not my my brain works – so I’m afraid, if you’re reading this, you’re along for a jumbling stumbling ride throughout the year with me.

Strap yourselves in – we could end up anywhere!


Anne Harrison 27.03.18

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